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7 Dog Breeds With The Least Health Issues

australian shepherd
Image By Eve Photography From Shutterstock

Australian Shepherd

Not only are these adorable dogs some of the most active breeds out there, but they are also known for being one of the healthiest ones as well. Some people even regard them as the quintessential cowboy companions, and when you look at how active some of them can get, you realize why!

They were used as shepherd dogs back in the day and still are by some people, but they have also risen in popularity when it comes to being a companion for people. They have relatively long lives—about 12 to 15 years on average—and are known not to get sick easily.

Australian shepherds are one of the dog breeds that actually skip a list of ailments that many others could suffer from, including skin, fur, and even bone diseases. So if you want an active dog that will be as healthy as an ox, these cute pups are for you!

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