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7 Dog Breeds With The Least Health Issues

Image By Elisabeth Abramova From Shutterstock

Cardigan Welsh Corgi

You may be very familiar with the Pembroke Corgi; after all, they are the most popular breed of corgi. Yet, this cousin of the late queen’s favorite pup is actually one of the healthiest breeds of dogs out there, and you can easily recognize them because, as opposed to their cousins, they do have a tail!

While both corgi breeds are relatively healthy when compared with other dogs, the Cardigan Welsh one wins by comparison. They also boast a longer life expectancy, with most of them being in the range of 12 to 15 years.

Even so, the cardigan Welsh corgi could be thought of as the tailed cousin of the corgis you are used to seeing, but still keeping the same short-legged cuteness and with a healthier, less prone to illness profile!

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