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7 Dog Breeds With The Least Health Issues

Photo Olena Tselykh from


Who doesn’t know these loud and strong-willed pups? Chihuahuas have been known to be some of the smallest dog breeds on earth, but they make up for their size with their colorful and strong personalities. And we love them for that!

However, besides the inherent cuteness that they come with given their size, they are known to be winners when it comes to longevity, as they typically live from 14 to 16 years, and they do not have that many health issues.

They are the perfect “purse dogs,” as many like to call them, but they are also a joy to have around. So if you want a life companion that will generally not weigh more than 6 pounds and be besides you for almost two decades while bringing all the personality out there into your world, opt for a chihuahua!

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