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7 Dog Breeds With The Least Health Issues

guard dog
Image By Victoria Antonova From Shutterstock

Belgian Malinois

If you are looking for an extremely loyal and hard-working dog, it doesn’t get better than the Belgian Malinois. They are known and praised for their work ethic and for how athletic and active they are.

Since over the years they have been known for selective breeding and only within the breed, the Belgian Malinois is one of the dogs that has avoided any major health issues and is also known to be a long-lived breed, averaging around 14 to 16 years!

Where you may run into some issues with them is the fact that they need to be active and require an exercise routine. You need to have the time to go on walks and keep them active, as without their bonded owner and stuff to do, you will have yourself a depressed and sad dog.

So know what you are signing up for before getting this eager, loveable pup!

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