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7 Dog Breeds With The Least Health Issues

Image By LSphotoCZ From Shutterstock

Border Collie

If there is one shepherd dog that is known all across the globe, it is the border collie. And while it is not hard to see why these flappy-eared pups are also known for their athleticism and high intelligence.

Border collies are a breed that will need to be taken out for long walks and provided with entertainment, as they are very active and prone to boredom. Back when they were only used for shepherding, they were known as workaholics, so that should give a good impression of how much they need activity!

So if you are looking for a running partner or someone to guard your land, they are the best option for that!

Not to mention, they are extremely healthy and known to be a “hardy” breed since they rarely suffer from ailments. They’re loyal and great with families, and will generally be there with you anywhere between 12 and 15 years old!

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