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8 Dog Breeds That Stick to Their Owners Like Glue

Photo by Irina Nedikova from Shutterstock

1. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

King Charles Spaniel is a highly popular breed among seniors due to their low energy levels and lack of hunting instincts that would distract them from every squirrel in the park.

They are a stunning breed with silky and pleasant-to-touch fur. Their snouts are small, and their large eyes make you want to give them treats after every blink.

King Charles Spaniels form an immediate attachment to their owners and become dependent on them. They will stay by their side 24/7 and often shy away from interactions with other people or animals.

In addition to being extremely clingy, they are also very obedient, always eager to please their owner. They are affectionate towards other individuals as well, but they can easily get scared.

If you want to know more dog breeds that are fit for seniors check out this article about 7 Low-Maintenance Dog Breeds Perfect For Retirees

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