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8 Dog Breeds That Stick to Their Owners Like Glue

Photo by Daniel Myjones from Shutterstock

8. Basset Hound

This breed is widely known in Disney movies because it was always portrayed as that wise dog that everyone listened to. But does the same apply in reality?

The Basset Hound is a short, quite stocky dog with very long ears. When they reach maturity, they can be quite heavy, with an average weight between 36-65 pounds.

They are known for not being very active; they love to sleep all day in a cool place. They are also very clingy because they adore being close to their owner. So if you’re looking for a companion for hugs and kisses, the Basset Hound is perfect for you.

We have to inform you that this breed has a not-so-pleasant smell due to its very long ears. To keep their odor under control, regular cleaning is necessary.

If you’re considering getting a companion dog, we hope this article has helped you form an opinion about the temperaments of the most clingy dog breeds.

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