4. Komondor
This breed is native to Hungary, and in the past, it was used to protect livestock. It is believed that this dog was brought from Asia by the Cumans, who considered it sacred. The Cumans were a nomadic population that came to Europe from China.
Komondor is a huge dog that can reach more than 27.5 inches and usually weighs over 100 pounds. But despite its size, this dog is really agile and athletic.
Komondorok (because this is the plural in the Hungarian language) are known to be loyal and devoted companions. They have a very strong protective instinct. They are also intelligent and independent, but this can be a double-edged sword in many households. These dogs are used to making decisions on their own, and this will make them ill-suited for many people.
Koms have a distinct look, and once they reach adulthood, their coat will naturally form cords and mats. At this point, it is okay to separate the large mats into smaller ones. In this way, it will be possible for thigh cords to form. These cords will grow, and if not cut, they will reach the ground. Also, the cords need to be taken care of weekly. Grooming a Komondor is not an easy job.