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Top 8 Most Expensive Dog Breeds in the World

You’ll need to buy some kibble for any dog. It doesn’t matter if you pick fluffy dogs, miniature dog breeds, teddy bear-like dogs, intelligent dog breeds, or obedient dog breeds. The cost of veterinary care, meals, toys, treats, grooming, and, if you need it, dog daycare and dog walking services, all mount up. Of course, there is also the initial cost of buying the dog, unless you adopt one from a shelter (which we strongly recommend).

As costs for different dog breeds aren’t set in stone, we looked through puppy ads across the US to get an average price.

The greater price is influenced by a number of factors. It is determined based on the most popular breeds, the breed’s rarity, as well as whether the dog has a distinguished pedigree. Whatever the cause, dog enthusiasts will agree that these breeds are well worth the higher price!

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