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These 7 Dog Breeds Have The Shortest Lifespan

dog breed
Photo by edb3_16 from Envato Elements

2. Boxer

Boxers are renowned for being loyal and intelligent. They might look fierce and tough, but under this armor, they are the sweetest pups you’ll ever meet. They have big, muscular bodies, are very athletic, and are always ready for some action. They adore running and playing and will never say no to a game of fetch.

Unfortunately, as with many other large breed dogs, Boxers have a pretty short lifespan. On average, they live for about 10 years. The same as the Frenchies, these dogs are brachycephalic, so they will have difficulty breathing. This forces their organs to work harder, and as a consequence, they will age much faster than smaller breeds.

Also, this breed is prone to developing cancer and neurological diseases. The best thing that you can do for your boxer is to take him to regular checkups as soon as they turn seven or when you observe something that is not right.

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