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5 Best Police Dog Breeds That Stay Loyal to Their Owners

police dog breeds
Image By NSC Photography From Shutterstock


If there is one police dog breed known for being the best sniffer out there, it has to be the Bloodhound. They are masters when it comes to tracking people, as they are known to be the best in the canine world when it comes to catching a scent and finding it.

They are known for their amazing tracking and scenting abilities and for being able to find almost anything you give them to sniff. Bloodhounds have a long history of hunting dogs, and it is easy to see how they have made the transition to being a police dog breed since they can easily find people.

Throughout history, they used to be prison dogs as well since they could easily catch the tracks of escaped prisoners, and they are also easy to work with. Bloodhounds are known for having laid-back attitudes, being relaxed, and being easy to train. They have a laser focus when it comes to tracking a scent, and their determination and amazing focus make them indispensable in rescue operations.

They have been employed over the years both in rescue squads to be able to find missing people and also to track down criminals and dangerous materials that are carefully hidden!

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