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5 Best Police Dog Breeds That Stay Loyal to Their Owners

police dog breeds
Image By Badger13 From Shutterstock

Labrador Retriever

You probably never expected to see the Labrador Retriever on a list of all the best police dog breeds since it is high on the list of family dogs. However, despite the fact that they are some of the best dogs and are also one of the most famous breeds worldwide, they are also great police dogs.

Initially bred as hunting dogs, these friendly dogs have since found work in other places in society as well, from social work all the way to police and companionship roles as well. Since Labs are not aggressive and very people-oriented, they make a great police dog breed since they can appear friendly but are very dedicated to their job.

Due to the breed’s innate desire to please their owners and drive to learn, they make for very efficient police dogs as they can be easily trained. They are generally assigned as detection dogs since they can easily take directions, are great sniffers, and are willing to participate in the action!

If you have a furry friend and you may think that it seems like sometimes they react weirdly to some scents, you are not mistaken! No matter if they are a police dog breed or not, all dogs have a sensitive nose and these specific ones are some that they definitely hate!

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