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5 Best Police Dog Breeds That Stay Loyal to Their Owners

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Photo by Barat Roland from Shutterstock

German Shepherd

Considered one of the most popular breeds in the world, we have gotten used to associating the German Shepherd with a police dog. While not being made as one of the specific police dog breeds, the German Shepherd has, through the years, led their humble beginning as a herding dog and made its way into the police force.

They have been used as invaluable team members in most police task forces and even in the military due to their willingness to work, high intelligence, and amazing stamina. Since they have been bred as working dogs, it is in them to want to work, and they do amazing things when it comes to partnering with a human.

They listen extremely well, and much like the Doberman Pinschers, once given a command, they will not hesitate to do anything. German Shepherds are impressive in size and muscularity, making them ideal for chase work with the police, drug sniffing, and even aiding in rescue missions!

If you want to learn how to handle a German Shepherd we recommend you read as much as you can on the topic beforehand to make sure they are the best fit for you. This is the book we recommend for both prospective and current German Shepherd owners!


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