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These 9 Dog Breeds Have the Lowest IQ

English mastiff dog
Photo by Volodymyr Burdiak from

4. English Mastiff

This breed is really adorable and devoted. They’re so cute that the only thing you want to do when you see their lovely faces is to snuggle them all day long.

However, many people have the idea that they’re less intelligent because it takes them so long to pick up new abilities and follow the instructions their owners give them.

If you plan on getting a big dog like this, you should pay attention to them because they can wreck your living room in just a couple of seconds.

You might have a challenging time training them, especially if you didn’t raise them to respect you (this doesn’t mean that you should treat them harshly, though). Of course, they won’t be able to do anything more difficult than “stand there and drool” even if they do respect and love you.

…If you want to get along with a big dog like the English Mastiff, you should start training them when they’re only a pup.

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