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These 9 Dog Breeds Have the Lowest IQ

chow chow dog
Photo by Ksenia Raykova from

5. Chow Chow

…Do you want to have the fluffiest dog on Earth? Then you should definitely get a Chow Chow!

These big and cute dogs that look a bit like lions are amazing companions. They are devoted to their favorite humans, but they can get a bit jealous at times. They are bright, but that doesn’t imply that they’re easy to train.

They are considered to be one of the oldest dog breeds ever, given the fact that they date all the way back to China’s Han Dynasty. They were bred for plenty of purposes, like hunting, hauling, and guarding.

They’re not on this list because they’re dumb, but rather because they are so smart and headstrong that they prefer not to follow instructions.

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