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7 Tips to Help Pet Parents Better Communicate With Their Dogs

dog, help pet parents
Photo by Barry Paterson from Shutterstock

4. Teach them how to behave

One thing that can help pet parents avoid their pups’ inappropriate behavior is interrupting them with words like “eh-eh” or “no”.

Show them how to behave accordingly before they find the opportunity to do something you disagree with.

Let’s take an example so that we can help pet parents who don’t know how to make their pups obedient.

If you notice that your pup likes to counter-surf, instead of punishing them, set a place for them in the kitchen where they can lie down, give them a little treat, and congratulate them if they’re good.

If you want to teach your pup new things and want the perfect treats for them, here’s the best product for them! We have many other tips that will help pet parents, so click on the next page!

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