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7 Tips to Help Pet Parents Better Communicate With Their Dogs

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Photo by SG SHOT from

5. Release word

Release words can help pet parents a lot, but you should know exactly when to use them. Just like kids, pups need to understand when exercise or playtime is over. It gives them clarity, and it helps them learn more.

For instance, if you tell your pooch to hold a sitting position, they might stay in that position until you tell them something else. Some of the release words that can help pet owners have a better relationship with their fluffy companions are done, break, free, okay, or release.

Don’t forget that you should always use words that are easy to pronounce. Using complicated words will make your job a lot harder, especially when you try to make your pup do something in a crisis situation.

If you want to discover other things that can help pet parents, click on the next page!

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