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4 Most Dangerous Places in Your Home for Pets

Photo by Jaromir Chalabala from Shutterstock

Kitchen (cont.)

But there are more dangers lurking in our kitchens. Knives and other sharp items should always be kept in a secure drawer. Another item that you might not have expected is the sponge. Sponges usually contain harmful chemicals from the detergent you are using, and they are also really dangerous if eaten by your friend because they can choke on them.

Plastic bags and plastic containers are another threat that you can find in the kitchen. Have you ever heard of the term “snack bag suffocation”? This is a real phenomenon, and we should be very careful about it. Many pets, especially dogs, are no longer with us because they suffocated in cereal bags, chip bags, pet food bags, and other plastic bags. The pup, curious, gets its head inside the bag, and the bag creates a vacuum-like seal around their head. When the dog struggles to breathe, the bag becomes tighter.

Also, the stove and any other hot surface can cause burns, and because of this, we should be extra careful. There have been many cases of cats that were looking for food and got their paws burned because they stepped on the hot stove. They don’t realize the stove is hot, and then they get injured.

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