#1 Hobo Spider
Hobo spiders carry a dangerous venom, and their bites leave a painful or initially painless red patch on the skin. If ignored, the red patch might become a blister.
After 24 to 36 hours, the blister bursts, leaving an oozing wound. Strong headaches that might linger for up to one week are the most frequent symptoms. Additionally, the headaches may be accompanied by nausea, a feeling of weakness or lethargy, brief memory loss, and eye problems.
Hobo spiders can be encountered almost anywhere there are openings, cracks, or gaps that allow for the construction of tunnels. Considering how lousy climbers they are, these spiders are rarely found above ground. They enjoy damp, dark environments and are most typically spotted in crawl spaces and basements.
Hobo spiders are primarily found in arid regions, such as southwestern Canada and the northwestern US states.