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Stay Safe! These 8 Dangerous Spiders Are in North America Now

Photo by Rainer Fuhrmann from

#3 Yellow Sac Spider

This spider can be found almost everywhere in North America. So, you can probably spot it in your state.

Attacks from the yellow sac spiders happen the most when they become stuck in clothes, as they are extremely defensive creatures and are trying to fight for their lives. In comparison to bites from hobo or brown recluse spiders, sac spider bites are not believed to be as harmful.

Bite wounds can vary widely in severity. The most common signs of a bite are an instant stinging sensation followed by redness and some swelling. It can occasionally cause a little sickness or a blister that frequently bursts, leaving a pain that takes several weeks to recover from.

If you want to get rid of this spider, try to eliminate the silk sacs, especially those found where the ceiling and wall meet, as well as those in the corners of the ceiling. When you’re done, take the bag outside. You may also use a vacuum to remove the sacs. This can be more effective. 

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