#2 Brown Widow Spider
Unlike the black widow spider, the brown widow spider rarely injects enough venom to have the same deadly effects. The brown widow bites have a more localized effect. This indicates that most of the symptoms are caused by the spider’s bite and not by the venom it injects.
This little guy weaves its web in hidden, sheltered areas near dwellings as well as in wooded vegetation with branches. Its favorite hiding spots are empty buckets, containers, trunk lids, and trash cans. To help it hide or flee from predators, the web has a tunnel or retreat structure.
Brown widows are smaller and lighter in color than black widows. They, in the same fashion as other representatives of the species, have an hourglass-shaped pattern on their torso. Their most distinctive trait is the presence of bright orange or yellow patterns.
The brown widow likes tropical climates and may be found across the southeast United States.