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Stay Safe! These 8 Dangerous Spiders Are in North America Now

Photo by Clayton Nichols from

#4 Wolf Spider

The highly evolved instincts for hunting gave the wolf spider its nickname. This guy would stalk its victim and then attack it with an unbelievable speed. In North America alone, there are over a hundred species that can be found, some of them even in the far north.

Among all of the US wolf spider species, the one that is found in North Carolina is the largest. While dangerous, its bites are not fatal. Despite being known as non-aggressive, these spiders should be treated with caution since they have been known to bite when threatened. Keep in mind that it might be extremely painful when you get bitten by a wolf spider. 

The length of adults may reach slightly over an inch. Their bodies are mottled with colors ranging from gray to brown. A Union Jack imprint on their back gives them an unmistakable appearance.

The nocturnal wolf spider spends its time largely underground in tunnels that are in close proximity to populated areas like gardens. They are often seen hidden in vegetation, stones, stumps, leaves, and even man-made structures, where they establish a silk-lined nest in the earth.

Wolf spiders are widespread in the US, particularly in the Carolinas, Texas, and California.

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