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6 Scary Diseases Your Beloved Pets Might Give You

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Photo by Halfpoint from


It’s common knowledge that we should cook pork thoroughly or else risk getting tapeworms from it. But it doesn’t mean that you can’t get it from your pet if they have been infested with the parasite. The way they end up being hosts for the tapeworm is because they have been ingested by a flea that had it and passed it onto the pet, or they came into contact with another pet that had it.

The best way to make sure that you don’t accidentally get tapeworms from your pet (mostly dogs) is to make sure that you wash your hands often and that you comb your furry friend with a flea comb after you have been outside for long periods, in addition to giving them the proper anti-flea treatments each season.

You can tell your pets have gotten this parasite if they exhibit the following symptoms: fatigue, their stool has rice-like pieces inside it, diarrhea, sudden loss of appetite or uncommon hunger, abdominal pain, and they can end up vomiting long worms.

To realize that you have tapeworms, you may have abdominal pain, observe a loss of appetite or hunger, fatigue, diarrhea, and even rice-like particles in the stool.

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