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8 Exotic Animals You Never Knew Existed

Image By petrdd From Shutterstock

#1 Glass Frogs

That is indeed a transparent frog, and no, it is not a figurine. This species of frog has translucent skin, hence the name “glass frog.” They are also known as “see-through” frogs, and they are no different from other frog species, besides the fact that they are translucent and you can see their insides.

Actually, there are around 60 different species of glass frogs, and they can be found in the tropical forest on treetops, which is their preferred location. They can be seen in Central and South America, as well as in Southern Mexico.

Glass frogs are not completely translucent. Their back is generally green or olive green (which is also slightly see-through). with their sides and belly skin being completely transparent.

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