#8 Sugar Gliders
While the picture above shows one of these tiny, adorable possums in broad daylight, sugar gliders are actually nocturnal animals, and they are very rarely seen during the day. However, these small possums got their name from two of their distinctive features.
Their front and back legs are connected with skin, which they then use as a way to glide through the air, as “wings,” if you please, in a way that is reminiscent of the flying squirrel. They do not actually fly, but rather use this method to glide from one tree to another.
The “sugar” part of their names comes from the fact that they are omnivores. They are marsupials, so while they do eat things like insects, they also eat sugary things such as nectar, sap, and even pollen.
Despite them being exotic animals, people have started to keep them as pets even in the United States, even if they are advised against doing this.
If you’re wondering what other amazing animals are there out there, check out the biggest ocean animals that still exist today!