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7 Everyday Habits That Put Your Pet in Danger

Photo by D K Grove at Shutterstock

You’re Not Supervising Them When They’re Playing With Toys

You might be in a rush, and you throw your pup a new toy to play with before you head out the door for the day. But that habit could prove to be hazardous.

Depending on how aggressive of a chewer your pooch is, he could tear through that new toy in an instant and eat parts of it.

Or he could get into the stuffing and start munching on that. Whenever introducing a new toy, you should monitor your beloved pet.

And this is another big one: Don’t ever let them play with your kid’s toys.

They can easily chew them up, and you’ll find yourself in the vet’s office wondering how a Lego piece can cause such an expensive problem like this.

At the end of the day, you know your pets best. As long as you offer the tender care any animal deserves, you should be doing a great job.

But if there ARE questions regarding their health, be sure to contact their vet. They will always give you the appropriate advice!

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