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7 Everyday Habits That Put Your Pet in Danger

Photo by Pixel-Shot at Shutterstock

Neglecting Their Teeth

The reality is that most people don’t even look in their pet’s mouths, much less think about oral hygiene.

This is a big mistake because if they get periodontal disease and the bacteria build up in their mouths, the potential for endocarditis goes way up.

This is a heart infection of the valves, the same thing that people can get from plaque build-up. This is something that’s hard on their kidneys when they swallow all that bacteria.

You should be cleaning your dog’s teeth at least once or twice a week using a soft toothbrush with flexible bristles, a soft cloth, or a piece of gauze.

Toothpaste isn’t necessary because the mechanical action alone will get rid of the tartar.

If you do choose to use it, make sure it’s specifically made for pets because fluoride can be highly toxic to your beloved pooch.

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