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7 Best Small Exotic Pets for Apartment Living

Photo by Irina Vasilevskaia at Shutterstock

#4 Chinchillas

The rodent family includes chinchillas, which are native to South America and dwell in the Andes Mountains. In the wild, they have a sizable amount of natural predators and reside in “herds.” Chinchillas can spray urine or suddenly release chunks of their fur as a form of defense against intruders. They are sought by fur traders for their soft fur, which is claimed to be the softest of all mammals and makes them a target for human fashion.

Chinchillas “dust bathe” to remove the moisture and oil from their fur. The animal should have access to chinchilla dust at least a few times per week so that it can take a dust bath. They often roll in volcanic debris in the wild to get rid of extra oil.

Although they may not appreciate being routinely held or caressed, chinchillas may tolerate being close to you and are quite easy to handle. A fairly spacious cage and some time spent outside the cage are requirements for your chinchilla.

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