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7 Best Small Exotic Pets for Apartment Living

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#5 Hedgehogs

Hedgehogs are really adorable and can be pretty active at night, but they are also very easy to handle. Additionally, you can release them from the cage so they can play.

However, because they are typically solitary, this rodent won’t require a very large cage.

Due to their weak vision, hedgehogs rely on their senses of hearing and smell to locate food. They consume small reptiles, roots, frogs, eggs, worms, snails, and insects in the wild. In a single night, they can eat one-third of their body weight.

Hedgehog ownership is permitted in some areas, but in some other states, you need a permit to keep one as a companion. For this reason, before you acquire an exotic pet for apartment living, make sure to check your state’s regulations.

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