#6 Frogs
Frogs are adorable and don’t need a lot of space, making them the perfect pet for apartment living.
Be willing to make a long-term commitment because, given the right care, frogs kept in captivity can have pretty lengthy lives. The average lifespan of frogs is 4 to 15 years, although several species have been reported to have longer lifespans.
Pet frogs may appear boring, but some of the smaller species are actually highly active. The larger frogs, on the other hand, move very little and are frequently sedentary. Frogs are not a pet that should be handled frequently due to their unique, sensitive skin.
To provide a suitable environment with the right water, moisture, and heat conditions, set up a tank with all your frog’s requirements before bringing them home. To guarantee your frog can securely hibernate, you’ll need to create specific conditions.
It might take a lot of effort to keep a frog enclosure clean. Although many frogs have fairly basic lighting, temperature, and humidity needs, they are extremely sensitive to environmental toxins and debris.