Cornish Rex
These cats are super active and friendly, and some might even say they resemble a dog, especially when they’re playing.
Many Cornish Rex loves playing games of fetch or even performing tricks, such as playing the piano!
This particular kitty has long toes, which allows it to open doors and cabinets easily, which will automatically mean that you should consider getting child safety locks. The spry creature has some unbelievable abilities.
For example, it can vault to the highest point in the room in a blink of a second. Probably the most fascinating physical feature of this particular cat is its wavy, beautiful coat.
Havana Brown
The Havana Brown is an adorable cat with a beautiful, silky, chocolate-colored coat. You won’t see many from this breed, as it’s a relatively rare cat breed that came from crossing the Siamese with many other breeds.
They are extremely intelligent, inquisitive, and very chatty. They love to socialize with their own families.
They have moderate energy and they would rather play with interactive toys, such as teasers and puzzles because they challenge them mentally and physically.