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9 Adorable Cat Breeds That Love to Cuddle With You

Photo by Voraorn Ratanakorn from

#6 Siamese

The Siamese cat is a top choice if you want a cat that will give you lots of energy, a lot of chatter, and also a lot of cuddling.

The Siamese is a gregarious cat with stunning blue eyes and an elegant body. They enjoy interacting with people. Siamese cats, a long-lived breed that enjoys company, are intelligent and quick to pick up new things.

Having a lot of activity and playtime during the day can help this curious cat become exhausted enough to curl up on your lap in the afternoons. This cat is very curious and enjoys investigating and getting into everything.

They tend to need a lot of attention and sometimes have separation anxiety, so their clinginess and friendly nature can be a double-edged sword.

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