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Dogs SOS: 7 Reasons Why They Won’t Eat Anything

sick dog
Photo by Javier Brosch from

#4 Your Dog Is Sick

When your dog is sick, its appetite usually suffers first. Just like humans, dogs are vulnerable to viruses and other diseases, particularly if they come into touch with other canines. 

Make an appointment with your dog’s vet if their loss of appetite is followed by nausea, diarrhea, lethargy, or any other alarming symptoms to make sure nothing serious is happening.

A new medicine can also cause your pup’s lack of appetite. To find out whether nausea or stomach upset are listed as side effects, check the package or prescription bottle. After it becomes used to the drug, the dog’s lack of appetite and digestive issues may disappear in most cases. However, you should inform the vet if the negative effects are severe.

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