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Want The Most Adorable Puppy? Get One Of These 8 Dog Breeds!

Image By Israel Medeiros From Shutterstock

1. German shepherd

The German shepherd is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world, and for good reason. These dogs are known for their high intelligence and sharp instincts. Loyal and obedient, they are often used as service dogs by the army and police.

But even if they have a somewhat fearsome reputation, they are also very loving and docile. Perfect family pets that will always protect their owners. They are sweet-natured and will get along perfectly with the kids. More than that, they get along well with other pets, so you don’t have to worry if you already have a cat or another dog.

Now about the German shepherd pups. Just look at this little buddy in the photo above and tell us that he is not one of the most adorable things that you’ve seen today!

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