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7 Low-Maintenance Dog Breeds Perfect For Retirees

low energy
Image By Vikotikk From Shutterstock

4. Greyhound

Believe it or not, this renowned race dog doesn’t have that much energy. They are actually couch potatoes that love to stay inside and lay on the couch or on your bed. They would rather hang around the house with you instead of going outside. Tough, they will not say no to an occasional run or to the daily walk.

Their health is overall good, and you will not make visits to the vet too often. Also, their coat is short, so they don’t need a lot of grooming. One thing that you can do that will make them happy since they don’t enjoy cold weather at all is to buy them a coat for the winter.

If you look at a Greyhound you would probably say “Wow, this is a pretty big dog!”, but at their core, they are just little puppies that love to cuddle. 

You can play with them with a frisbee from time to time in order to help them get some exercise, but this is more than enough since they are not such big fans of physical activity.

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