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11 Dangerous Signs Your Dog Was Poisoned

low energy
Image By Vikotikk From Shutterstock

Behavior changes

You might notice that your dog suddenly becomes too hyperactive after eating something that contains a dangerous toxin.

This oftentimes happens right after a dog eats something that he shouldn’t, whether it’s chocolate, caffeine, or even medication.

On the other side, you might notice that your dog is suddenly depressed, especially if we’re talking about alcohol or sedative ingestion.

Dogs are oftentimes described as acting as if they were “drunk” in some of the earliest stages of anti-freeze ingestion.

In this case, time is the essence of most toxicities, and no symptom should be ignored, including mood changes.

Taking care of your pet is no easy deal, and sometimes we simply don’t know what to do. I get it; I also had a dog once, and I can’t lie to you—I miss him every day.

If you feel that owning a pet is simply not worth your time and effort, I want you to read this: Want The Most Adorable Puppy? Get One Of These 8 Dog Breeds!

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