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Top 7 Best Toys for High-Energy Apartment Dogs

Photo by SHARKY PHOTOGRAPHY from Shutterstock

4. Interactive search and reward toy

If you want your pup to be busy and fascinated at the same time, but on a budget, you can try this puzzle toy. There are extra versions available, so you may buy more and switch them out to keep things fresh.

This toy increases mental stimulation and, at the same time, reduces stress. So, if you know that your dog gets anxious when left alone, you can get them one of these. We think it will do a great job of keeping them distracted.

The way it works is straightforward. You have to put their favorite treats or kibble inside, and you are good to go. Using their powerful smell, your pup will sniff out the treats. But in order to access them, they will have to use their noses and paws to solve the puzzle.

If you know that your dog is a fast eater, this interactive toy can help them with this problem. This is an educational toy that can teach your pup to eat slower. In other words, it is a slow feeder.

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