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Wow! These 11 Designer Dog Breeds Look Surreal!

dog breed
Photo by Landon Troyer from Shutterstock


The Pomeranian Husky is also a designer dog breed, and truth be told, it’s probably one of the newest breeds.

The Pomsky is basically a cross between the cute Pomeranian and the gorgeous Siberian Husky, combining all the wild, wolf-like beauty of a husky but in a much smaller pack. The dog’s size, coat color, and all the other features solely depend on the genetics of the two parents.

That’s why you might get a Pomsky that looks just like a Husky and one that looks more like a Pomeranian in the same litter.

It’s close to impossible to know exactly what a Pomsky puppy could look like as it grows up. However, it’s worth noting that mixing husky breeds has become increasingly popular.

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