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6 Amazing Things You Never Knew Dogs Can Do

Photo by Kashaeva Irina from Shutterstock

Dogs can learn the names of their toys or the names of places

According to some experienced dog trainers, it is not complicated to train your dog to remember rooms or places. You should keep in mind that you will require a significant amount of treats for this mission. After all, your buddy would appreciate some kind of prize after all the hard work they have to do.

The technique is simple, and anyone can use it without any previous training. If you don’t believe us, just try it with your dog.

Let’s say that you want to teach your canine companion to go to the bathroom. Now take them to the kitchen and tell them to go into the pantry because there is a treat there. Repeat this and move them to the bathroom, where they can finish the treat. You will probably have to repeat this exercise a few times, but in the end, they will learn to do something new that can be useful in the future.

This can also be applied to learning toy names, and there are studies that back this up. One of them was conducted by the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary. The dogs who participated in the study learned between 11 and 37 toy names over the course of a few months. Also, researchers have found that the breed that performed the best in these training sessions is the Border Collie.

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