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5 Most Dangerous States for Your Dog to Live in

If you are a dog owner, your companion probably means everything to you, and you want to provide them with the best living conditions. They deserve top-tier treatment and a lot of attention.

For the most part, you are able to satisfy those needs by yourself. Buying the most qualitative food, designing the home in a way that is more suitable for your pet, installing a comfortable bed, walking your buddy outside every day, and so on. These actions are all meant to make the life of your canine friend better.

Unfortunately, the well-being of your dog does not depend entirely on you, and despite your best efforts, it is impossible to take care of everything. There are some aspects, like veterinary care or animal laws, that you can’t influence at all. They all depend on where you are right now.

Here you can find a list of the most dangerous states in which you don’t want your dog to live. Find out what dangers you are exposing your dog to if you live in the following states!

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