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5 Most Dangerous States for Your Dog to Live in

Photo by SevenMaps from Shutterstock

2. Mississippi

The Magnolia State is a gorgeous place with a lot of amazing locations and spectacular sights, but if you plan to have a dog there, well, in this case, you better say pass.

The first warning sign is that the animal protection laws in Mississippi are very weak and don’t do much for our furry friends. One example that can demonstrate this is the fact that anyone can abandon their pets, on purpose or not, and will not be punished in any way. This is just not fair for pets, and something should be done about it.

Mississippi is also known for having a high population of rodents and insects. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but for dogs, it can be pretty dangerous. Rodents carry around numerous bacteria, such as the leptospira bacteria. This bacteria can cause an infectious disease called leptospirosis that can be life-threatening for dogs. They can easily contact the bacteria by being bitten by a rodent or drinking contaminated water.

Also, the hot weather is perfect for mosquitoes and ticks. These insects are dangerous for your four-legged friend because they spread various diseases. Mosquitoes are bad for health, while ticks are known for infecting pets with Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

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