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These 8 Strong Dog Breeds Can Take You Down in a Heartbeat

german shepperd
Photo by Marcelo Rodriguez from Shutterstock

8. German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States, and for good reasons. They are the perfect mix of power and intelligence, and because of these abilities, they are often used as service dogs by the police and the army.

They have beauty, they have brains, and, more importantly, they have courage. These pups are incredible guard dogs that don’t get scared easily. They are perfect to protect you and your property. Their loyalty is another thing that makes them so popular. German Shepherds are some of the most loyal dogs that you can find.

Keep in mind, though, that they need a lot of exercise and space, and if you are not an active person yourself, it will be hard for you to keep up with the German Shepherd.

You should also read: 4 Violent Dog Breeds That Often Attack Their Owners

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