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11 Warning Signs of Pet Allergies

senior dog pet allergies
Photo by JPRFPhotos from Shutterstock

Obsessive licking and chewing

Some dogs might obsessively lick and chew the location of the allergen, especially if they’ve been bitten or even stung by something.

Even if this behavior could relate to the pain of the sting or the bite, it might also show some serious pet allergies taking place.

You’d better closely monitor your dog and see if they show any other signs of being allergic to the bite or sting. Because if it does, you might have to take your pup to the veterinarian.

Swelling of the site

If the allergic reaction is caused by a bite or sting, then it might be caused by pet allergies or something your dog had physical contact with.

The symptoms are mostly common in dogs who get stung by insects, but they can also occur with other allergy types. Swelling of the site is a moderate symptom that could easily escalate to a more severe type.

You’d have to pay very close attention to your dog and watch for any changes in their symptoms. If any of those symptoms worsen or if they develop new symptoms, you must go to the emergency vet.

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