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6 Friendly Dog Breeds That Love Socialization

dog breed
Photo by Burin P Studios from Shutterstock

1. Golden Retriever

They are one of the most popular dog breeds in the US, and we totally get why. Just look at those adorable faces. They seem to always be ready to spend some time with you, and they don’t mind embarking on crazy adventures.

Over the course of years, “Golden Retriever” became synonymous with “friendliness.” Let’s say that you ask someone what dog you should get if you want them to be friendly. And guess what the other person will respond to? Most likely, they will tell you to get a Golden Retriever.

These pups are extremely outgoing, and they will never say no when they have the chance to befriend another fellow dog. Also, they are extremely eager to please, which makes them incredibly trainable.

Goldies are loyal, energetic, and charismatic. They enjoy the company of people and pets. If you think that you can match their gregarious personality, then a golden retriever is the perfect dog for you.

Some might consider them arrogant, but we think that they are just misunderstood. Click next and tell us what you think in the comments!

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