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6 Friendly Dog Breeds That Love Socialization

Photo by Przemek Iciak from Shutterstock

3. Beagle

We all know them as fantastic family pets that are tolerant and, at the same time, extremely playful. And when we say “extremely playful,” we really mean it. These hunting dogs need some exercise, and you should be able to give them that. If they get bored, they can get quite disruptive, and we are sure you don’t want that to happen. But don’t worry, because a longer walk or a game of fetch will be more than enough to satisfy their exercise needs.

They have really affectionate and loving personalities, and this makes them very suitable if you have other pets in your home. If left alone for too long, this pup might bark a lot and make excessive noise. Before going out, make sure they have plenty to do. Buy them some engaging toys and puzzles.

They are bred to live and work in packs, so if you have other dogs around, be sure they will become friends immediately. And guess what? If you are worried about grooming, you should know that beagles are low-maintenance pups that only need their ears cleaned and a bushing now and then.

You might not expect them to be friendly, but they are maybe one of the most adorable pups out there! Curious about what we are talking about? Check out the next page to find out.


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