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6 Friendly Dog Breeds That Love Socialization

standard poodle
Image By nieriss From Shutterstock

2. Poodle

We know that some people consider them arrogant and mischievous, and it is true that they can be like this sometimes, but do you know what is more important about poodles? They are extremely social dogs. They love the company of people, and when they are trained properly, they get along well with other pups.

Hopefully, poodles are highly intelligent, and this makes training a breeze. Also, keep in mind that they are also pretty active, so be ready to take them on long walks. After all, they are still hunting dogs. We know that they have elegant attire, but their hunting instincts are still there.

These pups are known to love attention, and this can lead to some bad habits. For example, they may start barking when they feel ignored, or they might chew your favorite shoes. Be careful and never give them too many treats since they can easily become obese.

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