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5 Surprising Scents Your Dog HATES to Smell

dog scent smell
Image By Dalaifood From Shutterstock


Despite a lot of women choosing to go to the salon to get their nails done, there is at least one bottle of acetone that can be found in most American households. And it is not surprising that dogs hate this scent. If anything, a lot of humans cannot stand the smell of acetone, so dogs that are more sensitive to harsh smells are bound to hate it more.

The harsh chemical is an integral part of nail polish removers and other types of removers, and it is very potent when it comes to its scent. If you have a dog around, you may have noticed that they generally keep their distance from the bottle and start sneezing whenever a bottle of the chemical is opened in a room. Most dogs choose to leave a room that smells of acetone.

Generally speaking, you should never let your dog smell the chemical, no matter how funny their reaction may seem at face value.

Letting your pet smell it for a long period of time or in large quantities can end up causing severe damage to their nose, lungs, and even eyes. You should always use acetone and other nail polish removers in well-ventilated rooms, preferably away from your dog.

You should also make sure your dog never has access to it, as if ingested, it is poisonous and will cause damage to any mucous membranes.

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