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7 Silent Signs Your Dog Has Diabetes

Photo by Yekatseryna Netuk from Shutterstock

1. Cloudy Eyes

If you notice that your pup’s eyes are white and cloudy, this should be concerning enough to make you call your vet and schedule a visit. This is a clear sign of cataract, and if your dog has had diabetes that wasn’t discovered in the early stages, you should know that cataract is one of the most common long-term complications of diabetes mellitus. Actually, more than 80% of dogs suffering from diabetes will develop some degree of cataract.

If your dog is healthy, glucose is absorbed from the eye fluid by the lens and later converted into sorbitol. This is the normal process. But in dogs with diabetes, because there is a lot of glucose, there will also be more sorbitol produced.

Now, sorbitol gets along with water really well, pulling it into the lens. This water will disturb the fibers of the lens, blocking the passage of light. Because of this, the cataract is formed, and your buddy’s eyes will look cloudy. This also makes it hard for your dog to see properly, so you need to get immediate attention.

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