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7 Silent Signs Your Dog Has Diabetes

Photo by Bonsales from Shutterstock

2. Your dog pees more often

Lately, you need to take your dog outside for potty breaks more often than usual. You might start to observe puddles on the floor, and this has never happened before. Kind of strange, isn’t it?

Well, not at all. Frequent urination is one of the most common signs of diabetes mellitus, and it also has a name: polyuria. This happens when blood sugar levels are very high. There is a threshold at which the kidneys can’t filter glucose fast enough to keep it in the bloodstream, and it gets eliminated in the urine. When this happens, the glucose pulls water with it, and as a result, your pup will need to urinate more often.

Usually, polyuria is the main symptom that makes dog owners go to the vet with their dogs and discover that they have diabetes. So, if you notice that your pup needs to go to the bathroom more and more, you should consider a vet checkup.

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