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The Top 6 Most Trainable Dog Breeds

Photo by dezy from

6. Papillon

This is what we call a big personality in a small package! These dogs are little in stature with lightweight bodies, and these traits put them in the toy dog group according to the AKC. But don’t underestimate their abilities just because they’re small! These funny-eared dogs are really intelligent and playful. They are always up for a challenge.

Papillons are very good at learning tricks and also obedience training, and that’s why they are perfect for people who own a dog for the very first time. These dogs adore playing, and mental stimulation is one of their primary needs.

If you want a small dog that can learn to do just about everything, then the Papillon is for you. You can train them to do a lot of fun tricks, and they might also be good for participating in dog sports competitions such as jumping hurdles.

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